Heboh! Selama 8 Tahun, Wanita Ini Hidup Hanya Dengan Mengkonsumsi Pizza


Ketika dalam delapan tahun terakhir, Sophie Ray hanya memakan pizza. Gadis asal Wrexham, Wales, ini menderita gangguan makan selektif atau SED sehingga yang ingin dimakan hanyalah pizza.

[imagetag] http://img.metro.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/30/article-1333098614223-12622FDD000005DC-879617_466x533.jpg

Pizza is My Life...

Sejak mengalami radang lambung parah di usia dua tahun, Sophie mulai fobia pada makanan. Ia hanya mau makan pasta keju, keripik, dan sandwich dadih lemon. Kemudian, di usia 11 tahun, Sophie mulai sering mengonsumsi keju dan pizza.

Kini, gadis 19 tahun ini hanya tertarik untuk makan Pizza jenis Takeaway dan Pepperoni. Mahasiswa seni peran itu takut dan fobia dengan makanan lain. "Aku suka pizza, karena tiap merek mempunyai rasa yang berbeda-beda. Dan aku tidak mau makan makanan lain selain pizza," ujar Sophie seperti dilansir Dailymail, baru-baru ini.

Baik sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam, Sophie hanya mau mengunyah pizza. Dan disaat tidak ada pizza, ia tidak akan makan. "Jika saya tidak sempat makan pizza sebelum berangkat mulai kuliah, aku tidak akan makan sama sekali di kampus. Aku akan menunggu sampai pizza ada di depan mataku," ucap Sophie.


[imagetag] http://www.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article775855.ece/BINARY/Sophie+Ray+the+teenager+who+has+eaten+nothing+but+plain+pizza+for+the+last+eight+years

Slice work ... Sophie, 19, lives on nothing but pizza
Tower of pizza ... Sophie eats cheese and tomato slices for breakfast, lunch and dinner
[imagetag] Junk food addict: Sophie Ray, 19, lives on up to three pizzas a day and has not eaten a proper meal since she was two years old
Junk food addict: Sophie Ray, 19, lives on up to three pizzas a day and has not eaten a proper meal since she was two years old

[imagetag] Health time bomb: The teenager has an extreme disorder that makes her gag if she attempts to eat anything but cheese and tomato pizza
Health time bomb: The teenager has an extreme disorder that makes her gag if she attempts to eat anything but cheese and tomato pizza

[imagetag] Food phobia: Miss Ray began to fear food after a bout of gastroenteritis when she was two and began eating just cheesy pasta, chips and lemon curd sandwiches
Food phobia: Miss Ray began to fear food after a bout of gastroenteritis when she was two and began eating just cheesy pasta, chips and lemon curd sandwiches

[imagetag] High-fat diet: Miss Ray - who never touches fruit or vegetables - risks serious heart problems if she does not start choosing more varied foods
High-fat diet: Miss Ray - who never touches fruit or vegetables - risks serious heart problems if she does not start choosing more varied foods


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